What’s your story?

I hope you’ve had a great Easter break. I’ve been in Noosa – paddling, swimming, catching up with friends and doing some writing (I promise). I’ve had some questions about my books over the holidays, so I thought it was a good chance to wrap up the story so far … A QUICK SUMMARY I have written eleven books forContinue reading “What’s your story?”

Happy New Year!

I hope you’ve had a great start to the year. I’ve been flat out working all summer. My friends and family would probably say otherwise, that I’ve been lazing around on holidays, that I’ve barely had my laptop open. But that’s just the point. I’ve been travelling, gazing out of plane windows, eavesdropping at restaurants,Continue reading “Happy New Year!”

Author alert: Blog tours can be dangerous

Call me accident-prone if you like (you wouldn’t be alone), but I may be the first author to sprain an ankle on a virtual book tour. As you know, over the past month, I’ve been visiting writing buddies across the country talking about my first book in the Choose Your Own Ever After series –Continue reading “Author alert: Blog tours can be dangerous”

Choose Your Own Ever After

GREAT news for girls who like to call the shots! YOU get to decide where the story goes in  Choose Your Own Ever After The fun starts with How To Get To Rio. Follow your heart right to the end, and then go back and choose all over again.   Schoolgirl Kitty McLean has to choose betweenContinue reading “Choose Your Own Ever After”