Hello 2023!

Happy New Year friends! Hoping you had a great summer break. I’m back at my desk after a glorious couple of weeks on the Noosa North Shore – paddle boarding, swimming, reading, plus way too much eating and drinking. To be fair, we had lots to celebrate. Apart from the usual Christmas and New Year’s festivities, we had a big birthday in the family. My father turned 80. And while Dad is the most low-key chap you could meet, we made the most of the occasion – starting with a few days hiking in Tasmania, and finishing with a massive family get together. Phew! I need a holiday after all of that entertaining. (Spoiler alert: I’m about to do just that, but more of that later.)

For now, it’s time to make a start on my projects for 2023. I’ve got a head full of plans – everything feeling urgent and exciting. Problem is: when I sit down to get started, I discover my ideas are like a tangle of Christmas lights. Even if I can find one end, everything is all bunched up, and I haven’t got a hope of unscrambling the mess! Maybe it’s time to remind myself of my NY’s intention. Be more patient – with everything and every one. That includes myself. So, I’ll settle for marking what I’ve achieved, and try not to get so worked up about what still has to be done. I’m sure it doesn’t have to happen literally this second!

Last year was a big one, and there’s so much I’m grateful for. So, I’ll start with a few of the highlights from 2022, then get onto what’s in store for 2023!

Hiking at Cradle Mountain and Wine Glass Bay

So many special memories from my trip to beautiful Tasmania with my father and hubby. Mapo might be 80, but he still hikes like he’s half that age. Loved the trail to the base of Cradle Mountain – the diverse bushland, the wombats and the snow! Loved the crispy skinned salmon at the Lobster Shack in Bicheno, and having a dip in Wineglass Bay. Not so much love for the 500 steps back up to the lookout!

Highly recommend the Cradle Mountain Wilderness Lodge – walking distance to the Cradle Mountain visitor centre. (Hoping to put together a more detailed blog soon!)

Launching One Punch

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned, but my first book for adults was published last June. OK, sure, I might have mentioned it once or twice. However, just in case you missed the hype – One Punch is the story of two mothers facing impossible choices after a life-changing night. Witty and compassionate, according to author Meredith Jaffe, and a raw, urgent, and chilling portrait of family loyalty, according to author Sally Piper.

So, 2022 was kind of a big year on the writing front, and I have so many people to thank. My publisher Affirm Press, of course, for all of the hard work they put into bringing One Punch to life. A massive thankyou also goes to my family and friends who have supported me along the way, cheered me on and who wrote glowing reviews of my book. Thank you to the fab podcasters, bookshops and bookclubs who invited me to share the story behind the story. And to all of the readers who bought or borrowed a copy of One Punch and posted a review. Keep them coming. If you enjoyed One Punch – no need to be shy – tell everyone!

Don’t be misled by its title, this is not a dark and depressing book. It is full of warmth and understanding for the complexities of mothers of boys, family life and social issues. Julie Fison has achieved that rare thing – an entertaining book that is incredibly thought-provoking.

Fiona Taylor, Baffies Oan Books

What’s happening in 2023

OK, so here’s the thing. I’m still working on my second book for adults – another tale of drama in the suburbs. Promise. And I’ll be speaking at several events in the next few months (more details to come). But I’ve also got some big plans for travel this year – starting with an epic adventure in Patagonia and Antarctica. The trip was postponed when COVID hit. Now, it is finally in sight, and I’m getting very excited. I can’t wait to explore this remote part of the world, and I’m hoping some of those ice floes and windswept mountains lead to a story!

I will be sharing pics and itineraries in future blogs, so make sure to subscribe to my monthly newsletter, so you don’t miss a thing! If you can’t wait until then, follow me on Insta. Lots of pics of mountains and ice coming your way!!!

What I’m reading

Currently immersing myself in South America’s frontier lands with this Bruce Chatwin classic.

And discovering more about WW2 women and spies with Australian author Christine Wells. One Woman’s War brings together history, romance and suspense in a story based on the real Miss Moneypenny and her role in Operation Mincemeat. A great summer read!

What I’m listening to

I’m late to the Atomic Habits train, but I’m getting a lot out of the Tim Ferriss interview with author James Clear. If you need some direction on good work habits – this might be the place to start!

Happy 2023 to you!


Published by Julie Fison

Julie Fison is a Brisbane writer and travel lover. Her debut novel for adults ONE PUNCH is a compelling and thought-provoking family drama that follows two mothers forced to make impossible decisions after one life-changing night. Inspired by real events, the story is a sharp study of the complexities of family life and the consequences of being blind to the faults of our loved ones. Julie’s other work includes books for children and young adults – the Hazard River adventure series for young adventure lovers, stories in the Choose Your Own Ever After series that let the reader decide how the story goes, and a play for secondary school students As the Crow Flies. Julie is also a committed traveller and loves sharing tips for midlife adventurers.

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